TSG chosen to drive Altria's largest ever European NPD launch...

TSG was chosen as the agency of record by Altria to launch their latest product into the European market, overseeing the roll-out of new listings and activating against their in-store strategy to help educate retailers and consumers alike. 


The understandable sensitivities surrounding the launch of their vaping alternative brand, ON! pouches was a challenge that our team took on responsibly, steering a programme of significant investment towards education and awareness, mindful of the over-18 nature of this broadly unregulated category, minimising wastage through using highly targeted . 

A network of ambassadors was sourced, trained and deployed through our brand management team; with our comprehensive reporting suite overlaid for the US leadership team to monitor in near real time the effect of their investments on bottom line sales, adoption and category penetration. 

"TSG are to be congratulated on their efficiency and professionalism regarding our On! brand launch across the UK; they executed our plans perfectly, giving us confidence and feedback every step of the way."

If you’re a Brand Owner in need of an outsourced partner to support your NPD launch, please contact us using the links below… 

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